Designing the Google Maps API

From 2013 to 2015, I was based in Sydney office to lead the map API UX. Unlike the first party Google product. UX design for Map API has a very different mission and perspective. Instead building a perfect map for our own, we are making tools that everyone can use for further creation.
Google Maps API examples
Google maps for every scenario
The biggest design challenge is about the product flexibility in an enormous scale, allow Google map and Google's geo services accessible by everyone, and run almost everywhere: on browser, mobile Apps, automobile and wearable device.. We have to ensure a great level of consistency with Google map UX language, at the same time, giving the 3rd party developer great freedom for customization. Partner with my PM and ENG, we shaped projects include: JavaScript API V3, Android and iOS SDK, Personalized map through API, Responsive system for embed maps, Static maps API, pre-cann map styles.
Google Maps API examples
Examples of usages of Google Maps API
Maps API enable developers worldwide to use google's mapping technology. As API designer, my vision is creating a "blank", actually very informative canvas for our clien to paint their own picture and grow businesses.
"Google Maps let us visualize data in a context that’s important to homebuyers. Instead of a list of crime statistics, we can create a color-coded heat map where our users can look around the city or town they’re exploring and compare neighborhoods, or even streets that are close to each other."

- Jeff McConathy, VP Engineering, Trulia

color system
Scalable Maps API components
The biggest design challenge is about the product flexibility in an enormous scale, allow Google map and Google's geo services accessible by everyone, and run almost everywhere, across static API, embedded map, JavaScript API, Android, iOS, and in any sizes you can imagine. We have to ensure a great level of consistency with Google map UX language, at the same time, giving the 3rd party developer great freedom for customization.
Stylized Maps
With style options deveolper can customize the presentation of styles, changing the visual display of features like roads, parks, businesses, and other POI. This allow you emphasize particular components of the map or make the map complement the style of your app. I have designed the 3 pre-canned styles in addition to default Google maps.
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Last update: July.2018, in Seattle
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